A big thank you to all my collaborators and mentors. A special thank you to Dr. Susan E. Morgan, for her invaluable guidance, enthusiasm, and support. Go Canes!
The National Communication Association Conference is always a fantastic opportunity to get into contact with experts and cutting-edge research from all over USA, and the world. This year the conference has been a little bit more magic than usual – with three papers presented and a top paper award received:
- Occa, A., & Morgan, S. E. (2016, November). Structure, materials, and outcomes of training programs for improving clinical trials communication: a systematic review. (Awarded!)
- Occa, A., Morgan, S. E., & Potter, J. (2016, November). Underrepresentation of minorities in clinical trials: recruiters’ perspectives.
- Carcioppolo, N., Occa, A., & Chudnovskaya, E. (2016, November). When is it OK to joke? Specifying how and when humor may be a more appropriate message frame than fear.
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